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OpenDataApps Challenge Prize Distribution and Felicitation Ceremony

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 to Tuesday, February 18, 2014


NIC in association with NASSCOM presents #OpenDataApps Challenge to encourage data-driven innovation.
Here’s the chance to unleash your expertise in app development! Create unique and useful Apps across platforms and devices ranging from Mobile/Tablet, SMS to Voice-based applications using Open Government Data.


This Contest is open to individuals, teams of individuals and business entities inside the territory of India.

Participant(s) must be aged 18-years or older, on the date of submitting the application.

Employees and relatives of NIC and NASSCOM are not allowed to participate in this #OpenDataApps Challenge.

You can Win…

1st Prize: 1,00,000 INR
2nd Prize: 50,000 INR
In 3 Sectors to be decided by the Jury depending on the submissions.

In order to boost innovation through Open Government Data by engaging start-up & developer community to build an open data ecosystem,the National Informatics Centre (NIC) organised the #OpenDataApps Challenge in association with NASSCOM.The Challenge was launched on August 8, 2013 by Hon’ble Minister of Communications & Information Technology and Minister of Law & Justice in the Conference on #OpenDataApps for Innovation in Governance at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

The entrepreneurs, developers from industry and community were invited to create unique and useful Apps across platforms and devices ranging from Mobile/Tablet, text-based SMS to voice-based applications using Open Government Data.

The winners of the #OpenDataApps Challenge were felicitated by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) on February 18, 2014 at Auditorium, SCOPE Convention Centre, CGO Complex, New Delhi .

A total of 99 applications pertaining to various sectors i.e. Agriculture, Postal, Governance, Health, etc. were submitted from across the country for the Challenge. Cash prizes worth Rs. 1 lakh each to three of the winners and Rs. 50,000 to each of the runners up were given.

The Beta release of ‘Open Government Data Platform India –’ (formerly known as Data Portal India) was also launched during the ceremony.

The ceremony started with welcome address by Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Joint Secretary, DeitY. Applauding the joint initiative of NIC and NASSCOM, he emphasized on importance of the data-driven innovation.

Sri Rajiv Gauba, Additional Secretary, DeitY gave an overview of the #OpenDataApps Challenge, its submission and evaluation process for selecting the winners. He laid stress on value addition in the growing number of Open Government Datasets on the through such initiatives. He also gave an insight of openness in the governance heralded by the Open Government Data initiative of India.

The ceremony proceeded with an overview of the Open Government Data (OGD) and industry Participation by Shri. R. Chandrashekhar, President, NASSCOM. Appreciating the efforts of the #OpenDataApps Challenge participants, Shri. R. Chandrashekhar emphasized on strengthening the community collaboration as well as on encouraging start-ups for harnessing the benefits and power of Open Data. It is a unique collaboration of government, industry as well as society at large.

Dr. B. K. Gairola, Mission Director (e-Governance), DeitY, in his address elaborated on the Open Government Data Initiative of India. He highlighted that the Government Ministries/Departments/Organizations are releasing valuable datasets on in compliance with the National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP) for use, re-use and re-distribution by the public. He also highlighted that the data-driven innovation is essential to make the Open Government Data Initiative more relevant and useful for citizens. And, departments should take up this initiative proactively.

Delivering his address, Shri. J. Satyanarayana , Secretary, DeitY, emphasized on boosting the community collaboration for making the Open Government Data Platform – – more relevant for citizens. Shri. J. Satyanarayana also released the next version of the Open Government Data Platform. He emphasized on quality and relevancy of data being published for public consumption, as it would lead to development of more and more useful applications for societal good. The aim is to achieve ‘3C’ of data i.e. Correctness, Completeness and Current.

Dr. Shefali Sushil Dash, DG, NIC gave vote of thanks. The ceremony ended with the felicitation of the #OpenDataApps Challenge winners and runners up amid enthusiasm.

View Shortlisted Apps

February 18, 2014 Tuesday
11:00 to 11:30 am Registration & Networking Tea
11:40 to 11:43 am Welcome Address by Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Joint Secretary, DeitY
11:43 to 11:46 am #OpenDataApps Challenge Overview by Shri Rajiv Gauba, Additional Secretary, DeitY
11:46 to 11:49 am OGD & Industry Participation by Shri R. Chandrashekhar, President, NASSCOM
11:49 to 11:52 am Address by Dr. B. K. Gairola, Mission Director, DeitY
11:52 to 12.00 Noon Address by Shri J. Satyanarayana, Secretary, DeitY
12:00 to 12:20 pm Beta release of “Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India –” (Formerly known as Data Portal India) and “Prize Distribution of #OpenDataApps Challenge” by Shri Kapil Sibal, Hon’ble Minister of Communications & Information Technology and Minister of Law & Justice
12:20 to 12:30 pm Keynote Address by Shri Kapil Sibal,
Hon’ble Minister of Communications & Information Technology and Minister of Law & Justice
12:30 to 12:35pm Vote of Thanks by Dr. Shefali Sushil Dash, DG , NIC
12:35 Onwards Lunch
Platform Sector App name Team Members Location Prize Money (Rs.)
Android Agriculture
Market Watch Aby Mathew
Ameen Rashad
Salmon KP
Nithin Paul Cherian
Mocioun Techlabs Private Ltd., Kerala 1,00,000
Android Health& Tourism
GoTourist Nitin Rustagi
Saurabh Kumar Verma
Narendra Singh Rajput
Ashwin Rai
Madhur Bhati
Narender Saini
Abhishek Singh
Nandan Singh
Noida 1,00,000
Android Others
Earth Core Anmol Gupta
Anshu Handa
New Delhi 1,00,000
Android Agriculture
Gramseva:Kisan Neil Mathew NewDelhi 50,000
Android Health& Tourism
IndianHealth Stats SauravGupta
Sumit Sharma
Gagandeep Singh Kapoor
Shiwani Dhadwal
C-Dac,Mohali 50,000
Iphone Others
KnowYour Government (a.k.a GovernmentBill) VenkatachalamPerumal
Meganathan M
Chennai 50,000
Android Agriculture
Rainbow SelvakumarS
Thirukumar M
Chennai Certificate
Android Agriculture
LiveMandi Prices PradeepKumar Paijwar
Kanishk Kumar
Ramki S
Pune Certificate
Android Agriculture
MandiTrades EdvinK Varghese
Seena Edvin
Pawan Gupta
Mohan Kumar
AppfaceTechnologies, Bangalore Certificate
Desktop Health& Tourism
PopulaceAnalysis & Prediction Tool (PAT) RajatKu. Behera
Anoop Lopez
Ranjit Patnaik
Bangalore Certificate
Android Health& Tourism
HotelSqaure NiveshSingh
Mitin Dixit
Rahul Singh
Varanasi Certificate
Android Health& Tourism
InTravel SouvikChaki
Prabhat Ghosh
Bharat Berlia
IndusNet Technologies, Kolkata Certificate
Android Health& Tourism
UndiscoveredIndia AnandRajendran
Parthipan Sethuraman
Suresh Muthuvel
Sanand R – not added
Chennai Certificate
WebApp Others
RainfallForecasting Application Dashboard ArunkumarPannikote
Saravanan V.
Krishnamoorthy S.
Sumit Kumar Chand
Bhagyalakshmi Devi
Chennai Certificate
Windows8 Others
A3C- All About Aadhaar Card Farhan Ghumra Ahmedabad Certificate
Android Others
All India Pincode Directory Prakash Itnal Bangalore Certificate
WebApp Others
OpenData Project: Visualize, Discuss and Rate Open Data RushabhMehta
Anand Doshi
Pratik Vyas
Mumbai Certificate
Android Others
RajyaSabha Business Application for Android devices GagandeepSingh
Pritish Sahu
Simardeep Singh
NewDelhi Certificate
Windows8 Others
PincodeSearch Hemant Savkar Pune Certificate
WebApp Others
GeoSense- Map of India showing the dataset indicating individual states Dr.Akash Rajpal
Arno A.E
Brij Mohan Kaushik
Mumbai Certificate

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