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#OpenGovDataHack Pre-Hackathon Workshop has been organized at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad on 23rd  October 2017. The workshop got an overwhelming response by more than 100 participants from faculty, students and start-ups from Hyderabad. The session was organized by National Informatics Centre, Govt. of India and IAMAI, with the support from Startup-India. JNTU students and staff have extended their support in engaging students and app enthusiasts to get insights on OGD Platform of Government of India. The idea was to communicate the details of “#OpenGovDataHack” to be held in November 17. The workshop provided students with an overview, related challenges and phases of Hackathon.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Dr. R Sridevi, HoD, CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering , welcomed the guests & participants
  • Dr. A Govardhan, Principal, JNTUH College of Engineering, shared his views on Open Data
  • Address by Mr. Dileep Konatham, Director, Digital Media, Government of Telangana
  • Mr. Sunil Babbar, Technical Director – NIC , gave presentation, wherein participants got the opportunity to understand more about Open Government Data Platform and the available data sets for various sectors.
  • Address by Prof. Venu Gopal Reddy, Vice Chancellor, JNTU on possible ways to use Open Data
  • Keynote Address by Mr. Jayesh Ranjan (IAS), Prl. Secy, Department of ITE&C, Government of Telangana
  • Dr. R Sridevi, HoD, CSE, JNTUH , concluded the program with  vote of thanks.

Participation Rules for #OpenGovDataHack

  • This Contest is open to
    • Individuals/professionals
    • A team of individuals/professional
    • Indian start ups
  • Participant(s) must be of minimum 18-years
  • The total employee of the startup must not be exceed 50
  • Participants can form teams – ideally heterogeneous, consisting of people with different skill sets – up to a maximum of four members
  • Employees and relatives of NIC and IAMAI are not allowed to participate in this #OpenGovDataHack Challenge
  • Individuals/professionals must obtain no objection certificate from their organizations

#OpenGovDataHack Themes

#OpenGovDataHack is for development of Apps and Info-graphics on the following themes/sectors:

As part of the Startup Eco-system Development program, NIC, IAMAI and StartupIndia have collaborated to conduct Nation Wide Hackathon across seven cities of India and an online event. It will run through OGD event portal

#OpenGovDataHack aims to Support and Showcase potentially great Ideas/Talent from Inner India which is done by reaching out in their own State/City, helping them making their ideas developed to Apps/Infographics primarily by use of Open Government Data around the themes of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Transport, Education, Crime and Health to a stage, after which it can be evaluated by jury and be selected for Prizes and future support/funding.

We are looking for local solutions to the local problems by the Local Budding Entrepreneurs.

  • Download List of Data Sets available on OGD Platform for Water and Sanitation

    Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector

  • Download List of Data Sets available on OGD Platform for Health

    Health Sector

  • Download List of Data Sets available on OGD Platform for Transport

    Education Sector

  • Download List of Data Sets available on OGD Platform for Education

    Transport Sector

  • Download List of Data Sets available on OGD Platform for Crime

    Crime Sector


First Prize: Rs 2,00,000/-

Second Prize: Rs 1,00,000/-

Third Prize: Rs 50,000/-

Top 7 excellent entries: Rs 20,000/- each

Phase 1 (Hackathon) would also have following prizes at each onsite city challenge:

  • Students

    Winner App: Rs 5,000/-

    Runners-up App: Rs 2,500/-

    Winner Infographics: Rs 2,500/-

  • Others
    (Students/Start-up/Individual/Professional/Community, etc.)

    Winner App: Rs 5,000/-

    Runners-up App: Rs 2500/-

    Winner Infographics: Rs 2500/-

  • Online Challenge

    5 Winner App: Rs 5,000/- each

    5 Runners-up App: Rs 2500/- each

    5 Winner Infographics: Rs 2500/- each

Name Address City State Start Datetime End Datetime
Telangana Hyderabad Tamil Nadu 23/10/2017 4:30 am 23/10/2017 10:30 am

These terms and conditions govern the Hackathon #OpenGovDataHack. By participating in the event, one is deemed to have accepted terms and conditions mentioned below as well as the terms of use of the OGD Platform India and Government Open Data License.


  • This Contest is open to
    • Individuals/professionals
    • A team of individuals/professionals
    • Indian StartUps
  • Participant(s) must be of minimum 18-years
  • The total employee of the startup must not exceed 50
  • Participants can form teams – ideally heterogeneous, consisting of people with different skill sets – up to a maximum of four members
  • Employees and relatives of NIC and IAMAI are not allowed to participate in this #OpenGovDataHack Challenge
  • Individuals/professionals must obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their organizations


All participants must register at on the OGD Platform India. A registered user can directly login at and submit required details to participate in the event. It is expected that the participants would submit the real details and they have to confirm this before submission. There are total 200 seats at each challenge city for the #OpenGovDataHack. Seats left vacant on account of non-turn up by registrants will be made open for on-spot registrants.

All team members must be a registered member of OGD Platform. A team leader or member can be a part of only one team. One of the team members can create a team for participation.


#OpenGovDataHack is for development of Apps and Info-graphics on the following themes/sectors:

  • Drinking Water and Sanitation
  • Health
  • Education
  • Transport
  • Crime


An individual/team (Except Winners or Runner-Ups) can participate in both challenges; onsite city & online challenge but can submit only one project (Apps or Info-graphics). Following are the details of City and Online Challenges.

Onsite City Challenge

The Onsite city Challenge will be conducted in the following seven cities on specific venues and dates and time (to be announced in due course of time-TBD):

  •  Surat
  •  Hyderabad
  •  Bhubaneshwar
  •  Patna
  • Jaipur
  • Noida
  • Chennai

Online Challenge

On completion of the Onsite City Hackathon in the above mentioned cities, the Challenge will also be conducted online on a specific date, to be hosted through on 25-26 November 2017.

Phases of Hackathon

The event would be conducted in two phases:

Phase 1 (HACKATHON):

  • 24 hr Hackathon will be conducted in the respective onsite city and online.
  • Onsite City Challenge
    • Top 4 Apps and top 2 Info-graphics will be selected from each onsite city challenge.
    • Among the four Apps winners, two would be selected from all submissions and another two from submissions made by students.
    • One of the top two Info-graphics winners would be from all submissions and another one would be from the submissions of students only.
    • There would be a selection panel at each venue to shortlist the submissions.
  • Online Challenge
    • All online submissions would be evaluated and shortlisted in two categories i.e. Apps and Info-graphics. A total of 5 Apps and 5 Info-graphics would be shortlisted as winners through a selection panel.
  • All the developed prototypes would be hosted on OpenForge by the participants. Please go through OpenForge PPT and OpenForge & Git Repo PDF
  • Selected entries from each challenge would be given token prize along with an appreciation certificate. All the participants will be given certificate of participation.
  • These selected entries would also be showcased on OGD Platform and will go to Phase 2 for final app submission.


  • Team leaders of the selected Apps from the Phase 1 have to register for the Phase 2 where they can re-form their teams, if required. However, change of team lead is not allowed.
  • Teams with similar scope and technology may like to realign and form a new team with one of the team leads to create a final App.
  • Incubation and Mentorship facility would be facilitated by IAMAI through its industry members to develop refine and optimize the App during a period of 2 months starting for the date of closure of Phase 2 registration.
  • All successfully uploaded apps would go through a validation, security check and short-listing process by a Selection Panel. If required, the teams may be contacted by the panel.
  • Top 10 apps would be shortlisted by the selection panel.
  • A high-level Jury would be constituted to take the presentation from the shortlisted teams and judge 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners of the Challenge. Rest of the entries from top 10 selected apps would also be awarded with cash prize.

Winning Prizes

There would be six token prizes for each onsite city challenge. Two winners would be under Infographics category and four winners under Apps category. For the online challenge, 10 entries would be selected for phase 2. These selected entries would be given certificate of appreciation.

Phase 1 (Hackathon) would have following prizes at each of the onsite city challenge:

  • Student
    • Winner App: Rs 5,000/-
    • Runners-up App: Rs 2,500/-
    • Winner Infographics: Rs 2,500/-
  • Others include Students (Start-up/Individual/Professional/Community, etc.)
    • Winner App: Rs 5,000/-
    • Runners-up App: Rs 2500/-
    • Winner Infographics: Rs 2500/-
  • Online Challenge
    • 5 Winner App: Rs 5,000/- each
    • 5 Runners-up App: Rs 2500/- each
    • 5 Winner Infographics: Rs 2500/- each

Phase 2 (Final App Development) would have three winning prizes and seven excellence prizes as mentioned below:

  • First Prize: Rs 2,00,000/-
  • Second Prize: Rs 1,00,000/-
  • Third Prize: Rs 50,000/-
  • Top 7 excellent entries: Rs 20,000/- each

Evaluation and Rating Criteria

All applications will be rated on the parameters listed below:

Phase 1

  • Data used for developing the Apps or Info-graphics should be primarily sourced from the OGD Platform India i.e.
  • Concept: It must be developed on unique citizen centric concept.
  • User Experience: It must have convenient user interface and simple navigation.
  • Responsive (no lag): It must respond instantly to user input.
  • Technology Design and Efficiency: Conformance to Open Standards and interoperability Guidelines (as prescribed by the Government of India).
    • Quality: It must be a functional prototype.
    • Sustenance: Developer must adequately demonstrate a plan for its updates, sustenance and continuing usability.

Phase 2

  • Scope of Work: Each selected team has been provided with a functional scope of the app in line with their App selected through Phase 1. The scopes can be seen by the team leads after login. These are indicative but not limited to points mentioned under that scope. It’s expected that the App should at least achieve all points of the functional scope. Team can add more features and functionalities in the App in addition to the scope defined.
  • Usability and Creativity: Application demonstrates superior user experience and ease of use. Its uniqueness and innovativeness, use of Indian Languages and leverage the state-of-the art technology in ICT, AI, ML and GIS Technologies.
  • Technology Design and Efficiency: Conformance to Accessibility Guidelines of W3C and Open Standards & interoperability Guidelines (as published by the Govt. of India ), Web Application Security Guidelines.
  • Quality: Application must be fully-functional and run successfully on target device(s).
  • Sustenance: Developer must adequately demonstrate a plan for its updates, sustenance and continuing usability.
  • App should confirm to Indian IT Act and Aadhaar Act

General Terms & Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they apply for both phases of the #OGDHackathon. To be eligible to participate and declare as shortlisted or winners in the Hackathon, the participants must accept these Terms and Conditions:

  • Primary source of datasets must be from OGD Platform India i.e.
  • Participants of Onsite City Challenge must be available at the event venue in the city.
  • Participants must not provide any false information in the registration and team creation process.
  • Participants must keep their contact information accurate and up-to-date.
  • Only a single OGD account is permitted for an individual or a team. If more than one account exists for the same candidate then it will automatically result in disqualification of the candidate.
  • As a part of the submission, the contestant certifies the originality and ownership of the application as detailed/described in the documentation uploaded at the time of submission.
  • The participant(s) must ensure that his/her/their work has not been previously published or awarded.
  • If the participants are acting within the scope of their employment, as an employee, contractor, or agent of another party, then the participants warrant that such party has full knowledge of the actions of the participants and has consented thereto, including the potential receipt of a prize. The participants’ further warrant that their actions do not violate the employer’s or company’s policies and procedures.
  • The participants will ensure code is free from viruses or malware.
  • The participants will not use this contest to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.
  • Participants have to follow the conditions of the Open Government Data License ( gazette notified by Govt. of India.
  • The winning applications must be maintained in working condition by the contestant(s) for a period of one year. No functional enhancements are expected, but all bugs identified according to the description in the documentation should be fixed immediately on reporting.
  • If any participant is determined to have violated the terms of the contest, NIC (and IAMAI) have all rights to disqualify the participant without prior notice.
  • If the Applications shortlisted do not meet the expectations of the Jury, Jury has the discretion and the right, not to confer an award in one or more categories/ subcategories.
  • The prize money would be distributed after levying the applicable taxes.
  • Jury Decision is final and cannot be challenged.
  • If required, NIC may change the terms and conditions.
  • The selected projects will have to be made available under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 license or GNU General Public License. Please visit below links for details:
  • The organizers reserve the right in their sole discretion to withdraw participation of any individual/team from the event or reject any submission at any point of time during the process.

What is the #OpenGovDataHack?

NIC and IAMAI have collaborated to conduct Hackathon #opengovdatahack across seven cities of India. It involves various challenges, which aims at development of citizen centric apps/infographics primarily by use of open government data.

What sectors/themes should we focus on?

  • Health
  • Education
  • Crime
  • Drinking water and sanitation
  • Transport

Where can I find datasets related to themes/sectors?

Please visit Data Portal

What challenges are there in Hackathon?

  • Onsite city challenge: The challenge will be conducted in the following seven cities:
  • Online challenge
    On completion of the onsite city hackathon in the above mentioned cities, the challenge will also be conducted online on 25-26 Nov 2017, to be hosted through

Can I participate online as well as on city challenge?

Yes, you can  participate online as well as at city venue but winners of city challenge cannot participate in online challenge.

How can I participate in the Hackathon?

To participate in the event:

What I need to do during Hackathon?

  • Phase I: Prototype building
    There are two activities you can perform under onsite city and online challenge as:
    App Building
  • Phase II (National Challenge): final app development

What is the duration for App/infographics building?

  • Phase I: 24 hr hackathon will be conducted in the respective onsite city and online.
  • Phase II: Mentorship/incubation facility would be provided by IAMAI members to develop the app for a period of 2 months.

What will happen to my submission after the event?

  • All valid submissions (deemed valid by the panel of judges) will be made available online on post the event.
  • All apps (mobile/web based and edutainment) will be made available under the GNU general public license. Please refer to the terms and conditions page for more details.

Who can participate in this event?

Anyone can of minimum age 18! Maximum number of participants per team is 4. We suggest you form teams with people from different professional and educational backgrounds such as students, professionals, public servants etc.

Can I submit more than one entry?

No, you cannot submit more than one entry in any or multiple categories.

Can I be in more than one team?

No, you can participate in this event only in one team.

What are the prizes?

Please refer to the Prize Money

How do I submit my entries?

All the developed prototypes would be hosted on a OpenForge repo by the participants. The URL and process would be decided during the course of Pre Hackathon workshops and registration mails.

I am not proficient in coding, but, I have some valuable ideas that I would like to showcase. Can I be part of this Hackathon?

You are most welcome to attend. There will be a lot of registrants with coding experience who will be looking for team mates.

What about my accommodation during the event?

There will be limited facilities to stay at venue on sharing basis but you are free to go home and come back. The organizers are not making explicit arrangements.

Should I bring any proof/confirmation for my registration?

The registration on the site is enough. You just need to show up on city venue and we’ll tick off your name at the registration desk.

Can I form my own team? Is there any limitation in team structure?

Yes, we encourage organizing your own team. A team size of 3 to 4 is ideal. Please note that everyone in the team should have registered to attend the event.

Are we supposed to use only the datasets available in for this Hackathon?

Not necessarily. If you can build interesting ideas/apps around the existing datasets, that is great. But you are welcome to build apps, which are beyond the datasets available.

What kind of additional registration is required on Hackathon city venue?

No additional registration is required. Please bring a valid id and you are all set. The certification of participation would use the same name that you have registered with.

Can I start development of any idea prior to the Hackathon?

Typically, idea formulation and basic prototype can be made ready prior to the event and further refinement can be done during the Hackathon based on inputs from the organizers so that it is aligned to the overall theme and sub-theme.

Can I submit already developed work as an entry?

No. Previously developed content is not permitted.

Can I use any platform or technology for developing the applications?

Yes, you are encouraged to use any tool/platform that you are comfortable with. However, every individual is responsible for ensuring that any tool/library used is licensed appropriately and does not have any violation of terms of use as indicated by the provider/author.

Do we have to complete a working application or just a prototype for the day?

While it would be good to see as many functional applications as possible, the ideas do carry a good weightage. It is recommended that you take an idea to a working prototype. This will help others (including the respective authorities) understand your idea better.

How many apps would be selected in final challenge?

Top 10 apps would be shortlisted by the selection panel. A high-level jury would be constituted to take the presentation from the shortlisted teams and judge 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners of the challenge. Rest of the entries from top 10 selected apps would also be awarded with cash prize.

Who is responsible for our travel expenses?

Unfortunately, we cannot reimburse you for your travel or any other expenses and that cost shall have to be borne by you.

Can I register on the spot?

Yes, seats left vacant on account of non-turn up by registrants will be made open for on-spot registrants.

Should I bring my own laptop?

Yes! Unfortunately, we can’t provide computers. Please bring anything you’ll need to code (though it’s fine if you share equipment with a teammate).

Will there be wifi/internet?

Yes. We are working to provide wifi with internet for application development needs.

Would there be food available or should I bring with me?

We are organizing food coupons within Hackathon venue canteen along with tea/ coffee.

Would my travel costs be reimbursed by Hackathon organizers?

Participants would have to arrange their own travel and the costs cannot be reimbursed.